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In Rotterdam is the worldwide museum of ethnography, which assembled one of the largest collections of ethnographic objects of the world's cultures of Asia, Oceania, Africa, America and the Islamic countries. 


World Museum Rotterdam has about 4,000 old copies of maps, atlases, pictures and objects that tell about the ancient traditions and culture of different countries. The highlight of the museum is the reconstructed home of the world, their "transport", as well as figures of pagan idols, for example, from Papua New Guinea and the islands Mollukskih. 


Special attention deserve the rare Mexican artifacts, especially Aztec articles made ​​of feathers and bronze. The World Museum Rotterdam are also religious paintings of Buddhist Shingon and Tendai sects of Japan. In addition, there is the collection of ethnic music. 


World Museum Rotterdam is situated on Quay William, on the river Meuse. 

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